Running a Youtube channel that focuses on quality requires time, space and equipment. I spend a great deal of time researching and doing something 3D-printing related because I enjoy doing it. I also enjoy creating worthwhile content for you to consume. I have invested considerably into 3D printing technology, audio and, video equipment so that I can continue to provide you with the best information I can so you don’t have to make the mistakes I did. This is more than just a hobby it is my passion and I love to learn about new things related to the hobby.
If you want to show your appreciation for the things I create, here’s what you can do. Most of these are completely free for you!

Watch my videos
My YouTube channel is completely free for you to watch and learn from. The more views the channel gets the more ad revenue I receive. I use that revenue to get equipment and supplies to be able to continue creating content.
Like, Subscribe, Share and join my group
It all goes a long way to keeping me creating educational and entertaining content for the channel. A simple thing like subscribing so you don’t miss a video. Liking and sharing a video that you found value in keeps us growing and moving forward in this ever-changing landscape of desktop manufacturing and making.
There are plenty of ways to keep up with what I am up to:
YouTube: The First Layer
Facebook: The First Layer group
Instagram: The First Layer
Direct support
While I don’t like to ask for your hard-earned money, however, if you feel like you get value out of my efforts and would like to help keep us producing content then I have a few options for you.
Patreon is there for those that would like to help with a monthly contribution @
Teespring is where you can find my merch, like t-shirts and hoodies. The First Layer
Or you can simply just By me a coffee @
Cheers, and thank you for your continued support.
Richard Cleveland